Monday, June 8, 2009

Gtalk (Google Talk) Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts------------->

* CTRL + Mousewheel up/down: Change the font size in a conversation window.
* CTRL + E: Center text
* CTRL + R: Right justify text
* CTRL + L or CTRL+J: Left justify text
* F9: Open Gmail to send an email to the person you talk to
* F11: Start a call
* F12: Stop the current call
* ESC: Close the current window


* Some smileys are converted by Google Talk: :-| :-O :-x :-P :-D ;-) :-( :-) B-) :'( :| :O :x :P :D :) :( :)
* To write bold text, type *your gtalk message*
* To write italic text, type _your gtalk message_

Startup parameters (go to Start/Run and type "c:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe" /one_parameter_from_the_list_below)

* /nomutex: allows you to open more than one instance of Google Talk.
* /register: write Google Talk settings in the registry.
* /checkupdate: check for new version.
* /factoryreset: revert to default settings.
* /mailto send an email with Gmail.
* /diag: start Google Talk in diagnostic mode.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lock or Hibernate your Computer without using Keyboard

Sometimes you may have to lock your computer with the mouse instead of keyboard for say the keyboard is not working, or if there is any other problem using ctrl+alt+del keys.

Try this for a quick and fast way to Lock or Hibernate your Computer

For Locking :
Right click on desktop.... new..... shortcut .....
paste %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
click next
You can name this shortcut as 'Lock My Computer'. Just double click to use it.

For Hibernating :
Right click on desktop.... new..... shortcut .....
Paste %windir%\system32\RUNDLL32.EXE PowrProf.dll,SetSuspendState
click next
You can name this shortcut as 'Hibernate'. Just double click to use it.

Keep these shortcuts on Desktop or alternatively drag and drop it to Quick Launch.