Google books provides thousands of of books, magazines, and journal titles from various authors for online reading.
Great if it could be possible to download them for offline reading, printing or copy text to use somewhere else as a reference. That's really possible however not all of the books on google books could be downloaded or pinted.
Here is how to find out whether you can download/print/copy text from a book available for online reading at google books.
Step 1 - Go to Advanced Book Search option in google book search
Step 2 - On the Advanced Book Search page, select 'Full view only' option (it's a radio button) as 'Search'.
Check this example.
Step 3 - As a search result after step 2, you should see this in the right pane of your browser's window displaying the book.
Step 4 - Go ahead and download or view full text to copy and use the book.